Sunday, June 22, 2008


We are at the cabin. Its in Alexandria, Minn. This place is so great. Right on lake Victoria. We came up friday night and are leaving today Sunday at about 6. What a great weekend. I am sitting out on the deck, enjoying the sun. We got back from fishing not too long ago. We are having a fish fry for dinner tonight. Yesterday we got about 8 sunfish, 7 crappies, and 1 large mouth bass. That is what we kept but we caught much more than that. Oh and I had a about 2.5 pound northern in the boat but when I went to put it with the rest of the fish in the net. I flopped and got away. Which was too bad that would have been nice. Today we went out first thing and Gene (catherine's grandpa) was murdering the sunnies left and right. He had about 8 keepers before Kevin and I even had one in the boat. That wasn't great because we were in the same spot, using the same bait. just different ends of the boat. I guess thats all it take sometimes...:( Catherine today caught about a half pound crappie. So proud of her for that. It was the biggest crappie that I have seen come out of a lake in a long time. We ended up with about 13 sunnies and 5 crappies today so we are going to fry all those up for dinner tonight. Catherine is sitting out here with me, well I guess that I can't say that.. she is more laying down with her eyes closed. Well I guess thats even glorifing it. Lets call it like it is.. She is sleeping!!! This has to be one of my favorite places in this state. I wonder when we will be back up here? Well I have to get going, we have to finish cutting the grass so its all set to go for when the Hannasch's come up next week. Lucky they get the whole week up here. That was nice when we did it, I wish we can do it again soon.

Bye all


Saturday, June 21, 2008


---May 10th 2008---

The long awaited wedding day! Ok so here is my account of what happened. Not sure what time it was but I woke up in the morning and Catherine was already gone getting her hair done and misc getting ready stuff. I take it easy for a little bit played a little guitar hero 3 and relaxed. Went down stairs and was hanging with Dustin one of the neighbors. I got ready to go and grabbed my tux when dad and Mike got there to pick me up. Got to the church and everything was going fine. I was not nervous at all. Got up in to the grooms room to change clothes. Got out of the street clothes and started in on the tux. The first time I can account for wearing a tux. It wasn't that bad except for the shoes. Those sucks major. Mike (my best man) came in to the room to help with the minor junk like cuff links and my bow tie. We get all ready and then it was time to grab a snack. Greg and Jackie brought some sandwich stuff and potato salad. It was pretty good. Oh, a point that I should make that needs to be remembered is that Tyler was to the church early. Before I was. I was pleased and amazed. My guys and I went in to the lobby and meet and greeted the guests as they started to arrive.

I'm not going to lie. The ceremony went by way too fast. My memory of it is kind of a blur. I remember walking my parents down to there seats then waiting up front for Greg to Bring Catherine down. Then I remember sort of seeing the shocker but not really sure from tyler. Then walking back up the isle with my wife by my side. Then rushed right in to sign the marriage lisence. I am really glad that Catherine's uncle got it all on video. I need to watch it so I can remember more clearly what happened.

We went from Epiphaniy to the Legion post #303 were the hall was that we rented. That I remember. It was SO much fun. actually I think thats that most fun that I can recall having duing anything. We partied until like midnight then got in the car and drove to downtown anoka to the ticknor bed and breakfast. Where after that we went up to the cabin for our honeymoon. I'll do another blog about that later. Later mc

Friday, June 20, 2008


So we are at the cabin right now.. Just got here. The pontiac was getting about 25 or so miles to the gallon. That makes me pretty happy about that. Kevin is sitting next to me on the couch at the cabin. We are going to go fishing tomorrow. That should be fun. Hopefully I catch more fish than last time that I was here. I know that I should have made a couple of posts, but I have been lazy and haven't but I promise that I will... but not right now. Well I spose kevin is bugging me to use the laptop so I will go now and right more later.

Love to all....
