Its been 3 weeks since I've started at Xcel and at the beginning of this week I started on the phones by myself. Its going well. Everyday its getting easier. Also thought that i would put a pic up my desk.. this was first day it looks a little different now.
Also Kelly (marketing person at Xcel) got this in the mail, I cut it out and put it up over the wall... It looks over the printer.. Its awesome it freaks people out all the time. HAHAHA
Tomorrow after work on the way home I am going to stop by AT&T and get a new phone. Its upgrade time on the contract and I am going to get a new cell. Its about time. Its been 2.5 years i've been using the razr and its time to move on. Its been pissing me off lately anyway. Restarting while I'm in the middle of talking to someone. Not ringing when I get a call or text and the reception is getting worse. I am going to get a Samsung Sync. I believe they call it charcoal or black. It will be good times. I'll post after I use it to let you know how I like it.
Thursday, January 31, 2008
3 weeks and a new phone!
Posted by Matthew at 8:55 PM 0 comments
Wednesday, January 23, 2008
2 Weeks
So today is 2 weeks at Excel. I was talking and typing yesterday and today. Its going well... I've got some praise from my boss today at an employee meeting. Which is always great. Thats it for the big news.. Oh and I filed my taxes today.. YAY refunds...
Posted by Matthew at 9:59 PM 0 comments
Sunday, January 20, 2008
Thoughts to ponder for 2008!!
Good health is merely the slowest possible rate at which one can die.
Give a person a fish and you feed them for a day, teach a person to use the internet and they won't bother you for weeks.
All of us could take a lesson from the weather. It pays no attention to Criticism.
In the 60's, people took acid to make the world weird. Now the world is Weird and people take Prozac to make it normal.
Posted by Matthew at 5:43 PM 0 comments
Friday, January 18, 2008
T & S & S
So, its been a week and a half at Xcel. Everything is going very well. I believe that they are going to putting me on the phone at the beginning of next week. Which is going to be ok I think. I think that I am comfortable enough with the program and the systems that they are using that I can do it. I don't have any issues with talking to people on the phone. Crabby people are my specialty from Select. I will post agian after the beginning of next week with how that goes. Now on to more important things, ok maybe not important but funnier.
So I'm pretty sure that Guitar Hero 3 is the best game ever! well for Wii anyway. I have beaten this game on easy and medium difficulties. I can't seem to be able to get a handle on hard though.. I think though that its annoying catherine. I really need them to sell the guitars separately. So I can unlock some more songs also be able to jam out with friends. They also should open up new songs to be able to be downloaded.. that would be the shit!
Posted by Matthew at 10:20 PM 1 comments
Wednesday, January 9, 2008
New Job!!!
Today I started a new job! YAY... I am working for Xcel Energy Homesmart. Well technically I work for Jean Thorne, but its at Xcel. Its a appliance repair plan that xcel has for people. Kinda like Service plus if your fimilar. Its in downtown St. Paul so I have a little drive in the mornings but whateves. Today was fun. I was learnng about what I will be doing when I on my own out of training. I have my own desk and I don't have to Share with anyone. Thats awesome. I'll take a pic and get it up here when its cleaned up. The dude that had it before I left it in kinda a mess so.. not blog worthy right now. I also learned that no matter were you work your computer never works when you get there and you always have to call the IT guy to get it to work. ITs all good! Actually there is only one thing that I don't like about it so far and that is that I don't have my security badge yet and its a pain to get in to the heavily secured building but that will change very soon... Well until pics.. Later
Posted by Matthew at 7:30 PM 1 comments
Monday, January 7, 2008
3rd Anniversary
Ok, Jan 4th was Catherine and My last "dating" anniversary. Were getting married on May 10th so its the last one before we start with the Wedding anniversary's. It was my job this year to plan the festivities for the day. Well Catherine worked in the morning. I picked her up for her lunch break and we went to put the deposit down on the new apartment that we are moving to. Dropped her back off at work to finish for the day. Went home to take it easy for a while. When she got home from work that day we both just chilled around the house for little bit. I had made reservations at Bennihana, so we got ready for dinner and headed out. I have never been before so it was very fun to see the chef doing all of his crazy things. Although at times he was hard to understand. I ordered steak and lobster and Catherine ordered teryaki beef. He made the onion volcano. It was very cool for us to see him do that and all of his crazy stuff they do with the knives and the spatulas. After dinner I wanted to go to a movie but Catherine and I were both sick and coughing a lot so we didn't go. We instead rented a movie and enjoyed each others company at home for the night.
Posted by Matthew at 10:44 AM 1 comments
Thursday, January 3, 2008
New Years
So it's a new year 2008! WOW, it hardly seems possible that its 2008 already. Were did the last year go? Well I really couldn't tell you but I can tell you how it ended. Catherine and I ended up at a party that Paul was having. I was really fun. People in attending were: Brian, Brain's sister, Jeremy, Annah, Tyler, Johnny, Adam, Amber, Paul, Catherine and Myself. Oh and Kyle stopped by for a little. So we ended up over there about 9p and helped set up for the night. People started rolling in, Amber fell off pauls very icy steps. Pauls house is very nice. It was surprisingly clean, later to lean that the maid had been there that day. Geez i wish i could have a maid. So anyway we had some drinks played some holdem and ate some pizza. We did manage to watch the ball drop this year, then turned off the tv because of how annoying it was to watch all those people sell out. We did end up playing some Hack in the garage. It was a pretty good night. Oh and paul ate like 25 truffles....
Posted by Matthew at 11:35 AM 0 comments